How to write a restaurant business plan: finding a site - costs and considerations
this is the third guide in the series on writing a business plan for your restaurant (there are 10 in all). Make sure to go back and...

How to write a restaurant business plan: finding money to launch
this is the second guide in the series on writing a business plan for your restaurant (there are 10 in all). Make sure to go back and...

How to write a restaurant business plan: cash flow
this is the first of our series of guides on writing a business plan for your restaurant (there are 10 in all). Make sure to go back and...

How to write a restaurant business plan: introduction
So….you want to open a restaurant. You’ve seen My Million Pound Menu - great chefs, fantastic concepts, brilliant food… and rubbish...

Minimum wage - avoid the pitfalls
National Minimum Wage: how to get it right Last year HMRC found 200,000 workers being paid below the national minimum wage (NMW). It’s a...

Tax tip - trivial benefits
Here is a great tax tip for small limited companies. You can provide your staff with small benefits (such as chocolates, bottle of wine,...

Tips for sole traders
We had a fun meeting with a number of local sole traders this week - the gist of the meeting was to give them some bookkeeping tips to...

Making Tax Digital - Make it work for you
Find out if you are likely to be impacted by new MTD VAT regulations and how you can turn this headache into a great opportunity

Automating your debt collection
It's a common story for business owners; the work has been done, the invoices have been sent but the money just doesn't turn up! Chasing...

New VAT rules for businesses only 8 months away!
There always seems to be a new piece of of regulation that businesses have to grapple with. Now we’re over GDPR (or not if my inbox is...